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公司名称: shenzhen *域名隐藏* .,ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2006 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: HDMI Splitter, HDMI Switch, HDMI converters,
HDMI Converter, HDMI matrix,
HDMI Extender, USB3.0 hub, IC supporting the overall  
公司简介: Lushun Ming Technology Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City is located in Asia's largest railway station - Shenzhen North Station, we have been dedicated chip sales, and with many of the world IC manufacturers have established close cooperative relationship between technology, on this basis, by the end of 2008 to determine definition HDMI equipment R & D, production and sales in one of the young team, I conduct with technology, innovation-oriented, customer, and have a good quality and experienced R & D team. We closely grasp the market, closely combined with the latest technology, and through continuous technological innovation. TV manufacturers at home and abroad have a close working relationship.
Main products: HDMI Splitter, HDMI Switch, HDMI converters,
HDMI Converter, HDMI matrix,
HDMI Extender, USB3.0 hub, IC supporting the overall
Business philosophy: integrity, pragmatic, quality first, price second.
Enterprise purpose: innovation as the soul source of talent, market orientation, quality of life.
Service concept: customer first, quality supreme.
Enterprise goals: to create a domestic and international famous brands. 
shenzhen *域名隐藏* .,ltd / 广东 / Building B4,MinKang Garden,Min Kang Road,LongHua New District,Sh (518000) / 电话:0755-13510905803

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